What is Cyber Insurance and Why Do You Need it?

Cybersecurity insurance is a new and emerging industry. It has its origins in errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, a separate form of insurance that protects against faults and defects in the services a company provides. E&O insurance is analogous to product...

Restaurant Insurance

Restaurant owners face many different risks while running their business. Restaurant insurance is a specialty business insurance policy that covers several risks and gives the restaurant owner the confidence he or she needs to be successful. Whether you run a small...

Summer Driving Tips

“This year will be the summer of the road trip,” said Aldo Vazquez, public relations spokesman for AAA. With trends showing that travel by planes, trains, ships and buses will decrease, the favored mode of transportation for travelers this summer will be...

Boating Safety Kit

Being out on the open water is surreal. The smell of the salty sea, the warm sun beating down on the deck, seagulls singing you a tune, how can it get any better? The ocean has a mind of its own sometimes and you need to be prepared for anything. Having proper boat...

How to Plant a Vegetable Garden

If you want the freshest produce possible, consider planting your own home garden—after all, you can’t get any closer to your kitchen table than your own backyard. Growing your own vegetables is thrifty, too. According to the National Gardening Association, the...